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Mezzanines and structural steel drawings

When you own a warehouse or any other large, industrial building, you’ll want to make sure that you make the most of the space you own. A mezzanine is an optimum solution, creating additional space that sits halfway between your current floor and ceiling. In an...

Why the steel detailing process is a pivotal step to sustainable structures

When IndiaCADworks (ICW) was first developed, it marked a vital step towards the development of sustainable structures. The steel detailing process, from the planning of structural drawings to their creation, is crucial in aiding steel fabricators by providing...

The benefits of going from 2D to 3D for steel detailing CAD

The biggest businesses in the steel detailing industry have been utilising 3D tech for some time in their structural designs, but many smaller businesses are still making do with 2D CAD. However, even smaller companies can take advantage of 3D modelling, and there are...

How to choose the right steel detailer for your next project

Whenever you are looking for other businesses to partner with, it is essential that you do your due diligence. Partnering with the wrong business can be an expensive mistake, not only in financial terms but also with respect to your business reputation. Your staff,...

5 tips for outsourcing your steel detailing

Hiring an outside business to provide steel detailing services can be a delicate process. If you choose the wrong partner or fail to provide appropriate specs for your project, it can be disastrous. Below are five tips to ensure you get the best service for your next...