01462 514 300 info@restoric.co.uk

See below all our CAD Services categorised by process

Our CAD Services by Process & Application

The process of producing a CAD Model & Drawing differs depending on the application. The process of steel detailing requires a very different skill set & software to for example MEP coordination. Thanks to our years of experience in this industry, we have an excellent understanding in choosing correct process depending on the required deliverable. It is vital for us to understand what the information we produce will be used for. Understanding the end requirement enables us to select the most efficient process to produce the right deliverable.

2D Drafting

There are two fundamental computer-aided design (CAD) systems. There is software that focuses on 2D Drafting and software for 3D Modelling (and the developed 2D drawings). 2D Drafting is the method of using 2D CAD Software such as AutoCAD…

2D to 3D Conversion

2D to 3D CAD conversion is the process of converting 2D Technical drawings into 3D CAD Models. 2D drawings are drawing in the x and y-axis where a 3D CAD Model has the additional z-axis. The difference between a square and a cube…oftware such as AutoCAD…

3D CAD Modelling

There are two fundamental computer-aided design (CAD) systems. There is software that focuses on 2D Drafting and software for 3D Modelling (and the developed 2D drawings). 3D CAD modelling is…

Reverse Engineering Service

Reverse Engineering is a term used to describe the process of reconstructing an existing product accurately, for the purpose of manufacturing more of the same kind or modifying it to improve upon its design…

Steel detailing Service

Steel detailing is the drafting process used to assist the fabrication of hot & cold rolled steel. A steel detailer uses the structural engineers’ drawings, architects drawings to produce a 3D CAD Model…

Paper to CAD Conversion

Paper to CAD is the procedure converting Paper Drawings (physical or scanned) into 3D CAD models and/or 2D Drawings. Companies often have libraries of drawings or individual parts which were created prior to CAD (or 3D CAD)…

About Us

At Restoric®, we specialise in CAD Services, Reverse Engineering, and Steel Detailing, catering to diverse industrial needs. Using AutoCAD, Advance Steel and Solidworks we bring precision and efficiency to every project. Trust Restoric® for reliable solutions and seamless execution in the realm of engineering services.

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Restoric® Design Ltd.
7 Paynes Park
Hertfordshire SG5 1EH
Tel: 01462 514 300

About Us

At Restoric®, we specialise in CAD Services, Reverse Engineering, and Steel Detailing, catering to diverse industrial needs. Using AutoCAD, Advance Steel and Solidworks we bring precision and efficiency to every project. Trust Restoric® for reliable solutions and seamless execution in the realm of engineering services.


Restoric® Design Ltd.
7 Paynes Park
Hertfordshire SG5 1EH
Tel: 01462 514 300