When it comes to a steel detailing service, providing fabrication drawings is one of the more crucial aspects. A complete and accurate fabrication drawing ensures correct materials and met deadlines by helping engineers gain a full understanding of the design specifications.

Essentially, in a steel detailing project, the engineers will work to calculate the structural elements, while the architects take care of the design, materials, and size. This information is then combined within steel fabrication drawing, which is vital for getting the job done.

What do fabrication drawings consist of?

Once the fabrication drawings have been completed in more detail, they may consist of three main drawing types:

• Assembly drawings – assembly drawings will include information regarding the type of steel finishing, the weld size and type, the hole size and position, and how the plate positions and steel beams are dimensioned.

• Single part drawings – unlike assembly drawings, single part drawings specify a single dimensioned part, for example, a channel, beam, column, plate, or one of the other components.

• General arrangement drawings – this will contain images of the drawing from multiple angles and will show how the parts will fit together at the end.

What is 3D fabrication modelling and how does it work?

Since the development of new technologies, steel detailing can incorporate CAD (computer-aided software) for producing more sophisticated drawings. This is now used across multiple industries. See our blog post, Which is which? The best CAD software for steel detailing for the most appropriate CAD options.

Such steel detailing software works by making the steel detailing process more efficient. Not only are the drawings produced useful to engineers and architects, but also to steel fabricators.

What are the advantages of fabrication drawings?

There are a multitude of advantages to a good fabrication drawing in the steel detailing process:

• More cost-effective – the beauty of 3D fabrication modelling is that it allows for quick and efficient re-estimates and steel alterations. Therefore, if a mistake is made, it shouldn’t break your bank. It also reduces the risk of these mistakes being made in the first place, as the amount of structural steel that will be needed can be accurately estimated. This effectively reduces material and labour costs.

• Fewer issues on-site – with a high-quality fabrication drawing you are effectively minimising or completely eliminating the number of mobile welding issues you may encounter in the process. With a 3D fabrication model, you can view your design from every angle meaning the people working on-site are kept thoroughly up-to-date with the progress.

• Fewer delays and errors – if you make sure to choose a good quality CAD software, each fabrication sheet will be visually displayed as a presentation of the structure so each of the different parts can be effectively managed and synchronised. If the software detects any changes that may need making, these can be identified within the fabrication drawing, which is much less time-consuming than making edits manually. This also means that there will be fewer errors throughout the actual steel detailing process.

• Less damage to people and properties – it’s essential that any steel structure is designed and assembled accurately to ensure its structural integrity is intact. The last thing you want is a structure collapsing and damaging property, or worse, other people.

If a fabrication drawing would be beneficial to your steel detailing project, Restoric Design is happy to help. Don’t hesitate to get in touch via phone or email. Our friendly and professional team are eager to discuss the parameters of your construction project.

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